Rating: 4 out of 5


Pirates in Space Swords, guns, romance and battles. What else could you want in a space series. Nathaniel’s adventures don’t disappoint. As the family blasts through space the hits just keep coming. Good read. Can’t wait to read the next in this series.

Rating: 5 out of 5


As to be Expected, another Hard to Put Down Book by a Master Author, Well Thought out Story line, Action and Suspense filled story with excellent characters makes it a Book not to be missed!

Rating: 5 out of 5


Brilliant! Jay Toney never fails to provide a really good read and his Space Opera Space Pirate Roberts just keeps getting better and better. I recommend that this Author is worthy following.

Rating: 5 out of 5


This brilliantly intense, bone chilling story becomes one of survival and revenge for captain Nathaniel and familial crew of mythical gods. A simple mission goes very dark as Nathaniel and his wife are captured by Tempekee; tortured and violently sacrificed as their host believes he is an all powerful god… and can do what he likes to his people. Tempekee underestimates the power of his guests… it could get deadly. Highly recommended.

Rating: 5 out of 5


Loved the concept, really loved the humor and thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish. The characters were great and I spent a fair amount of time smiling at their antics. I’d happily read a lot more like this!

Rating: 5 out of 5


OK! Is it Science Fiction? Is it Fantasy? Is it Mythology? Maybe a combination of all of the above! On the good ship “unity” we have all three! And a good bit of humor and a good bit of raunchiness as well. This story hops along with the motley crew from one adventure to the next, reminding me a bit of the old ‘serials’.With the cast of one human, and several minor (and even an appearance by major) gods and goddesses, they go from an extended look at the inhabitants of the main world on which the action takes place. There are many scenes where Rekar’ree attempts to stop them – even appearing to kill them once. But eventually, our heroes triumph and continue on to rid this sector of the galaxy of one more group of bad guys. However, it was not any of this which kept me reading, it was the humor. Humor is used to good effect in several places in this novel that left me wanting to see another. Highly Recommended!

Rating: 5 out of 5


For the record, I received an Advanced Review Copy (ARC) of this book with the request that I leave a voluntary honest review for other potential readers. Having said that, here is my honest opinion and review of this book. The Dark Citadel is a unique and rollicking adventure tale filled with a fascinating take on the ancient gods of Greece. It contains elements of both space opera and mythology (godly relationships are quite complicated). I found the characters to be witty, wacky and lots of fun to read. From start to finish, the story is funny and quite entertaining with tons of action and adventure for everyone (in spite of the darker actions that take place). Originally, I felt that the amusing elements were out of place when juxtaposed against the darker elements of the story (the villains and their evil actions). However, I realized that the idea was to not take itself too seriously and to poke fun at conventional reality. Bob (what kind of name is that for the creator of the universe) is a fascinating character who pokes fun at everything he created as well as himself. A space pirate (who was originally a mortal) married to the former Queen of Hell was certainly not something I expected to see. The story is well written and easy to read, and believe me it is well worth the read. I hope to see the next book in the series released soon so that I can read it as well.