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Next Phase of the Earth Occupation

In a realm of royals, half-royals, bastards, commoners, and altered genomes the occupation of Mars and Earth continues apace.

Although progress is being made in the mining operations and cities, there is unrest and endless problems both large and small to be solved. Dust storms on Mars have halted the production and the workers have returned to Earth.

And, as with any civilization, there are opportunistic evildoers attempting assault after assault on the means of production for their own enrichment with little to no regard for the well-being of their populace. A breeding program for tailoring one of the indigenous primate species has been started, and with a lot of genomic tweaking the results are beginning to show promise.

In the third book: “Disaster”, the efforts of the royals will come to fruition for good or for ill. I can’t wait to find out!

Recommended and rated this book 5 of 5 Stars

I love this series. I just finished book 2 & can’t wait for book 3. If you like things like Nephilim, Anunnaki, ancient astronauts/aliens or just sci-fi in general you will LOVE this book & the series.
Recommended and rated this book 5 of 5 Stars
The Occupation of Earth has begun, in earnest, with the construction of four new cities, and the modernization and expansion of Eridu. Mining moves from the sea to land, in a distant land. Gold production increases, and so do the demands for more of it faster from King Anu. The toils in the mines increase, while the city dwellers live in luxury. Droids are sent to the mines to relieve the miners of the heaviest labor. It is a temporary solution that fails. This is a epic story one which most people will enjoy, Definitely a must read.