Rating: 5 out of 5


This book is part of the Space Rogue series. There are elements of military sci-fi, space opera and a sort of nice bunch of pirates. The action is fast and furious interspersed with personal interactions and the problems of running a fleet of pirate spaceships. Don’t think it’s a carefree lark thru a galaxy but rather a somewhat arduous struggle to survive. The author is masterful at weaving a very enjoyable read that I found most engaging. I recommend it to all lovers of well written sci-fi.

Rating: 5 out of 5


Can a synth have a soul? I don’t know, did Data have a soul? I’m pretty sure he never got pregnant. Captain Roberts and his fleet get into all sorts of adventures and battles travelling across the Galaxy. He either makes friends or kills his enemies, he doesn’t like sitting on the fence. Considering his track record, the Alliance should try to recruit him as their Administrator since hunting him down really isn’t working for them.

Rating: 5 out of 5


Enjoyable reading! Came in to the series in the middle from a promotion, but quickly came up to speed with the general story arc and the well defined characters. To refer to the main character as a “freebooter”, which means a pirate or lawless adventurer, is an oversimplification. The main character has a strong moral compass, although the “North” on his moral compass is slightly different from those of us who have lived “gentler” lives. He has his own laws, harsh though they may be at times, but he comes across to me as someone who is trying to get by by attacking his enemies, and not to take any aggression unanswered. There is a nice amount of humor and a decent plot to savor.

Rating: 5 out of 5


Hot Romp Through Space. This is the 3rd book I’ve read in the series. It didn’t disappoint. The Roberts family Loves, and fights their way across the galaxy to new and old places, meeting new friends and old. Many twists and turns yet keeping the characters fresh. Loved it. Will read more of these.